Our Services
Learn more about each of our core service offerings:
We see leadership as a state of mind, more than a position or title. Therefore it can be exercised by anyone, at any given moment, to support the vision, mission and core ideology of an organization.
Our Leadership Coaching Program is built around a single idea: know and master your ego. It is that part of you that is afraid to lose control or look bad, that unconsciously hijacks your ability to lead powerfully. Leaders who don’t understand their unique style of leading, their motivations and how those nuances impact their success, are attempting to lead with both hands tied behind their back. More critically, when unconscious barriers to empowered leadership remain hidden, peak performance is impeded.
The Russell Method™ Teaming Process is based on the premise that teaming, although unconscious, is a covenant-making, covenant-keeping process. When you join a team, you make an agreement, a promise, albeit unspoken, about your commitment to do your part and whatever is necessary to achieve the team’s collective goal.
Through our process, each individual uncovers the thinking, which disempowers them from participating as a fully engaged team member. It is a mindset that depletes energy, encourages low engagement, inequality of labor division, and a team culture of blame. They also gain the tools, practices and awareness that sparks a new level of personal accountability (ownership) for the results, and create real relationships with their teammates. As a natural consequence, all the players begin to experience that synergistic “high” that comes from working on a team that’s humming.
Although creating a vision, mission, values, and operating guidelines are important, it is the bond created among team members, as well as the motivation and willingness of each individual to contribute their strengths to the team, that guarantees a teams’ success. Perhaps the best part of all of our services, is that once an individual understands what we teach, they are able to re-create the experience and results consistently on their own.
People like to say, “There’s no I in team” but at The Russell Consulting Group we acknowledge there is a “me”. This distinction (harnessing the power of the individual vs. focusing on processes) is what separates our approach to powerful team dynamics from that of other companies.
- Performance Management Tool – Developed to translate a job description into key roles, performance indicators, competencies and behaviors related to the cultural values. This gives both executives and individual contributors the ability to have “accountable” conversations, rooted in honesty and respect.
- Career Lattice Creation – A flexible plan which supports employee development, upleveling and recognition in multiple directions and areas.
- Succession Planning – Involves preparing employees for possible future roles.
- Recruiting & Hiring – Attracting top talent and considering candidates for employment.
- Onboarding & Training – Integrating new hires into the corporate culture as well as covering technicalities and tasks of the job.

We Are Different
We don’t play business as usual because we know that type of thinking and behaving will never create a thriving company culture.
We disrupt the Ego Game, the habitual, learned responses of leaders (and we are ALL leaders) that bypass authentic interaction and breed discontent in the workplace.
We support organizations in un-learning the old and ineffective strategies that produce barriers to empowerment. Instead, we give voice to authentic inner dialogue and bring awareness to aligned behaviors, the key to building a workforce of mighty people.
Our clients often say:
We have mastered the art of replacing infectious thinking, the kind that creates finger pointing, apathy and passivity, and we replace it with personal accountability, the type that empowers and ignites the leader within.
That type of accountability transforms cultures. It’s the reason we specifically embed accountability into ALL of our services.
The human inside the suit is demanding an opportunity to WIN at WORK. The Russell Consulting Group is here to answer the call.