Our Resources

Get the ball rolling on your culture transformation with these resources exclusively from The Russell Consulting Group.

Free Culture Quiz

Losing Your Best Talent? Learn Why. Your leadership team may be unknowingly creating a culture of silence. Find out in 5 minutes with this Culture Quiz. No email required, and it’s Free.

Accountability Assessment

Wish you knew how to tap into that extra potential all employees have to perform?
The Russell Method™ Accountability Assessment
has the answers you seek.
1. Take the assessment. 2. Enjoy a 30 minute debrief. 3. Experience the magic.

Leadership Videos - Ego Mastery

President & CEO, Patricia Ann Russell

Behind every AUTHENTIC leader is an alternate self called EGO. It is that part of ourselves, which when unknown to us, unconsciously mis-directs and mis-informs our actions as leaders. It’s a part of us that is driven more by fear of maintaining control and looking good than it is in authentically relating. 

Imagine a leader in the beginning, as a bright light beaming with enthusiasm and big ideas. Now imagine over time, (after rejections of ideas, bad quarter earnings, negative feedback, etc.) the leader’s light slowly being dimmed and covered up by a flame resistant dark cloth. The cloth represents the ego.

Reaching peak performance when a leader’s light is unconsciously being dimmed is like someone trying to witness the sunrise with their eyes closed. Ego mastery is the process of removing the “flame resistant cloth” so that a leader can once again access their innate brilliance and use it to perform at optimum levels.

There are ten principles to mastering the EGO for effective leadership. Click below to learn in more detail about Ego Mastery in our free video series.

“When people have a paradigm shift, what used to look 
like a problem now looks like an opportunity.” 
– Patricia Ann Russell