Heidi Kozart, the executive overseeing the Medical Group analytics team, was beyond frustrated by the results of The Annual Advisory Board Survey she had received.
MGA’s employee satisfaction numbers had significantly declined from their results just 2 years prior. Heidi was at a loss. She knew it was critical to making changes but everything they had tried before had either failed completely or the meager results had lasted for only a short time.
Heidi knew their “toxic” Client Audit was not only causing MGA to lose valuable talent to other companies, it was also shooting their performance goals in the foot. She needed a new strategy, one that would quickly identify the problems and most importantly, provide a road map to fixing them once and for all. On the referral of a trusted associate, MGA hired The Russell Consulting Group for a 6 month period to improve their employee engagement score.
As with every consulting contract, it was recommended to Heidi that everyone on the team be re-administered an employee satisfaction survey in tandem with The Russell Method™ Accountability Assessment Roadmap.
When each team member saw their individual and collective results, especially their accountability scores, it blew their minds. It had never occurred to them that they, too, we’re accountable for the employee satisfaction score decline. But there it was, in black and white. Every employee who scored low in employee satisfaction also scored low (often the exact same percentage) in accountability.
Everyone could finally embrace the idea that if an employee didn’t see themselves as accountable for results, always blaming or making someone else responsible, they also wouldn’t be likely to take responsibility for their own happiness at work. It made perfect sense! To Heidi and the team’s delight, the assessments also included a clear road map to rectify the problem. It was a huge relief to not have to figure it out on their own and be assured the results could be reached.
Within 6 months of the engagement, MGA’s individual and team satisfaction, accountability, and the perception of their culture increased by more than 15%, bringing them well beyond the industry benchmarks and it remains consistent.
In a recent LinkedIn post, Heidi remarked:
“Immense gratitude to you Patricia for your leadership for shepherding me through such a transformative process. It has not only made me a more effective leader; it has made me more consciously aware of self and less focused on others. Our team has had the most productive year yet despite the pandemic. It is because we had a solid foundation, and each team member understood their role and expectations.”